Chipstead Village


23/01926/PAP1AA - Lamorna Lodge High Road Chipstead

Application under permitted development, proposed additional storey to the principal area of the floor plan of the existing single storey detached dwelling. Application withdrawn.

The CRA has submitted the following comments on this application: 

The current proposal for the redevelopment of Lamorna Lodge into a much larger, two storey property utilises the permitted development – adding an additional storey process but comes after the refusal for similar development under the more usual planning regime.  When Lamorna Lodge was built, it was refused permission by RBBC but allowed at appeal.  A key reason for the approval at appeal was the fact that the proposal was for a bungalow and with its low roofline, it would mitigate the visual impact of any building on the locality generally and, more importantly, that a low building would prevent the problems of overlooking and loss of privacy on the Old Coach House. We believe that this original planning permission means that this current application fails one of the three basic tests for this type of development ie. It has a previous planning permission that prevents the current proposal.

The design of this proposal is even more out of keeping and overbearing than the previous application that was refused.  It is out of character with the area, detrimental to its general amenity and not in sympathy with the bordering Conservation area.

This development proposal would adversely impact upon the amenity of occupants of existing nearby buildings, particularly the Old Coach House, by reason of overbearing obtrusiveness, overlooking and loss of privacy.   

Development proposals should respect the scale and form of existing buildings in the area to reinforce local distinctiveness but this proposal does not do that.  It will create an undue disruption to the character and appearance of the existing street scene by its jarring and discordant design.  The roof height of the proposed additional storey will make the property not only higher than the Old Coach House but also the more modern property on its other side. This roof line is not the same as the existing roofline which it is required to be.

Due to the orientation of the Old Coach House in relation to the existing Lamorna Lodge, the proposed development would have an adverse impact on the amenity of this property especially affecting how the owners enjoy both their living and social space as both will be severely overlooked.   

This extension will be out of keeping with and have an adverse impact upon the scale and character of the current building.  It will be inappropriate and unsympathetic to the appearance and character of the local environment and would have an adverse effect on the visual amenity of the area as a whole.

The CRA request that this application be refused.

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