Chipstead Village


Telephone box refurbished

The telephone box on Vincents Green has recently been refurbished by volunteers on behalf of the Chipstead Village Preservation Society. The opportunity has also been taken to install a graphic showing the various bits of land that the CVPS owns. As well as providing what will hopefully be useful information to those wishing to walk on this land, the graphic also has a marketing purpose. The CVPS currently owns about 50 acres of land and woodland that need to be maintained – grass cut, trees tended and ponds cleared - inevitably this costs money. We are fortunate to have about 200 members who pay a small annual subscription. In a perfect world all Chipstead residents would be members – but it is not a perfect world. If you are not a member please join -an application form can be found as an attachment at the end of CVPS section of this website.

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