Chipstead Village


Chipstead Valley Road flooding and summer sewage leak. Good news x 2.

The blockages and causes of the summer sewage leak have been addressed and the call for funding for flood deterrents heard by SCC Flood Team.

Local councillor, Luke Bennett, participated in a meeting with Thames Water last week which confirmed that the blockages and causes of the summer sewage leak have been addressed and has been assured that there should be no repeat of the awful sewage leak experienced by residents opposite the school again. More info on the Croydon Conservatives website here: 

The resident petition (calling for funding to deploy additional flood deterrents) was recently heard by the Cabinet Member for Environment, the Cabinet Member for Highways and the SCC Flood Team Lead. Further drainage maintenance has been scheduled for half term and importantly funding has been committed for a macro investigation / design / solution in the next financial year (along with monthly progress updates until a solution is found and delivered). This will require far more than a pure highway or pavement solution and require a range of interventions around the surrounding area. It will likewise take some time, but each intervention moves us closer to improving the appalling situation endured by the residents of Chipstead Valley (and indeed the children, school-run parents and staff at the school).

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