Chipstead Village



As of 2022 most Chipstead Village News is added to the public Facebook page located here -

You do not need to be a member of Facebook to read the messages posted on the facebook page, but if you are a Facebook member you can share your own news about the village there!

Older articles are still displayed below

Planning Application for School Development in Coulsdon Lane

A planning application (19/02269/F) for a change of use to a school for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities has been submitted for Rowans Hill, Coulsdon Lane, Chipstead from Serenity School, Croydon. For further information on this proposal, a letter from Serenity's Strategic Development Lead, explaining the school's approach and why it considers Chipstead is the right place, has been posted below. Closing date for comments is 16th December. - all comments should be sent to